WhoshouldIsee Tracks

OES Policies

OES are committed to the environment, health and safety within the Oil & Gas Industry. Our safety record is testimony to this and is an achievement that all inspectors are proud to be part of


The prime objective of the Management of OES is to provide personnel, equipment, and associated services in a manner that whilst conforming to contractual and regulatory requirements, result in a service and end product that is second to none.
To achieve this objective, it is the policy of OES to establish and maintain an efficient and effective Quality Management System planned and developed in conjunction with all Management functions designed to eliminate the occurrence of deficiencies and generate continuous improvement in both operation and customer focus. Determination of conformance of work, to contractual and regulatory requirements, is verified based on objective evidence of quality.
OES Quality Assurance Manual, and the procedures outlined therein, describes how the Quality Management System is designed to ensure that all quality and regulatory requirements are recognized, and that a consistent and uniform control of these requirements is adequately maintained. OES Quality Assurance Manual also defines how effective control is established. For offices / countries that are accredited according to ISO17020, the ISO 17020 handbook also applies.
It shall be the responsibility of OES Management to ensure that a consistent and uniform control of these requirements is adequately maintained.
It shall be the responsibility of OES Management to ensure that all relevant procedures are available, understood and consistently and regularly reviewed, to reflect current Client expectations and company philosophies, whilst complying with the relevant national and international standards, and all applicable laws, regulations, and guidance.
It is the responsibility of the OES management that all inspections are performed impartially and in an objective manner, and that all persons working for OES are supported accordingly. Any conflict of interest will be dealt with in appropriate manner. The conflict of interest will be solved, this can be as an example that other OES persons perform the job, or not doing the job. This will be evaluated by management, to ensure the conflict of interest is solved.
Each entity within Joulon operates completely on its own, hence no other entity within the Joulon group can influence the outcome of any inspection, both positive and negative.
It shall, similarly, be the responsibility of all employees to ensure that the Quality Management System of OES is fully implemented during their day-to-day activities and normal working practices.


OES Asset Integrity Management is committed to Health, Safety and Environment to ensure no harm to employees, environment, and assets within the Oil & Gas Industry. Our safety record is testimony to this and is an achievement that all within OES are proud to be part of.

Maintaining outstanding Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) performance is a core value of OES Asset Integrity Management. Our successful HSE performance has been made possible through the leadership and teamwork of all employees. Our HSE responsibilities are directed by our HSE Vision, Policy, Strategy and Management System, which guide our businesses in the continual improvement of our HSE processes.

HSE Vision

Safety first and always, we all go home safe.

HSE Strategy

To accomplish this, OES is committed to:


  • comply with all applicable legal and other requirements as per regulations, laws, standards, and evaluation of compliance with respect to the requirements.
  • continual improvement of the HSE management system to enhance HSE performance.
  • eliminate hazards, reduce to ALARP the risks associated with our operations and prevent their reoccurrence.
  •  ensure HSE policy is effectively communicated, understood, and applied within the organization and made available to the relevant interested parties.
  • ensure that OES provides a safe work environment for all employees.
  • integrate HSE considerations into OES business plans and decision-making processes.
  • minimize the usage of natural resources and waste generation by Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
  • prevention of occurrence of incidents through HSE awareness within the organization and relevant interested parties.
  • promote activities which help in prevention of pollution and reduction of emissions.
  • promote HSE responsibility, consultation on all matters relating to HSE issues and participation of all employees, subcontractors, and any other interested parties.
  • provide organizational structure, support, and directives towards achieving the HSE Strategy.
  • respond promptly to community concerns regarding HSE and addressing them proactively through working with local government authority and agencies.
  • promote and maintain the physical and mental wellbeing of all employees.


OES Asset Integrity Management is committed to provide services that are free of the influence of illegal drugs and alcohol and will endeavour through this policy to provide a drug-and alcohol-free workplace.


OES has a zero-tolerance policy for use of drugs. Production, import, export, transport, buying, selling, possessing, storing of narcotic, psychotropic substances is a criminal act unless done so as part of supervised and regulated medical or scientific activities in accordance with the applicable laws. A Violation by any Employee or Contractor shall result in Dismissal and prohibition from Company premises.


To accomplish this, OES is committed to:

  1. Promote a working environment that does not tolerate the inappropriate use of alcohol or other drugs.
  2. The illicit use of legal drugs or the use, distribution, or sale of illegal drugs on OES business or locations is strictly prohibited.
  3. Conduct comprehensive investigation of work-related accidents and incidents including the possibility that the use of alcohol or drugs may have been a contributing factor.
  4. Provide employees with confidential assessment, counselling, referral, and aftercare services through occupational health services.
  5. Ensure that employees meet the intent of this policy throughout their services to our client.


In ensuring that such provision is complied with by employees at all stages, OES shall take disciplinary action against any person discovered in possession of, or under the influence of alcohol or drugs at work.


OES Asset Integrity Management is committed to maintain a safe and secure work environment for all employees including contractors.  OES believes that no work is so urgent that we cannot take time to do it safely and provides a workplace free from hazardous conditions, property damage and adverse effects to the environment.


Employees of OES Asset Integrity Management including contractors have the responsibility and authority to stop the work immediately, without fear of reprisal, when the employee believes the condition or behaviour at workplace could pose an imminent danger to the health and safety of employees or the public and harm to the environment.


Reporting Unsafe Behaviour or Condition / Act:

Employees are expected to report any activity or condition which he / she believes is unsafe. Notification should be made to the affected employee (s) and then to the supervisor or team lead at the location where the activity or condition exists.


When there is a doubt as to whether the work should stop, he or she should notify his or her immediate supervisor / team lead about the hazardous situation or condition.


OES Management will support any action exercising STOP WORK AUTHORITY, and employees for the implementation of this policy:

  • Any employee / contractor regardless of position, seniority or discipline has the right and duty to apply the STOP WORK AUTHORITY Policy if it is in his / her opinion or judgment that such activity poses imminent danger.
  • There shall be no blame or fault put on any employee that uses their STOP WORK AUTHORITY even if, upon investigation, the STOP WORK AUTHORITY was deemed unnecessary. The STOP WORK AUTHORITY must be applied in good faith.
  • Timing is a critical factor. There should not be any delay in calling for a STOP WORK AUTHORITY order if the requirement arises.
  • Work that has been halted due to an employee’s STOP WORK AUTHORITY, shall not resume until all safety aspects have been cleared to the satisfaction of the employee who initiated the STOP WORK AUTHORITY, or the team lead / supervisor has properly reviewed the concern and deemed it safe to continue.

Who has the authority to STOP WORK? We All Do!  

Who can STOP WORK? We all Can!



OES Asset Integrity Management is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment for all its employees, visitors, clients, and contractors. OES has adopted a No Smoking Policy to provide a smoke-free environment in all the company/client premises, to achieve a healthier and pleasant workplace, safeguard non-smokers from the risks to health of passive smoke and protect the worksites from increased risk of fire.


Smoking, including vaping, is prohibited in all work locations and facilities of OES including owned or contracted work locations and vehicles except within clearly designated smoking areas.


Non-compliance to this policy will result in disciplinary action for each separate offence including possible dismissal from service for employees who are repeated offenders. Failure of contractors or visitors to comply with this No Smoking Policy may result in Dismissal and prohibition from Company premises.


    Human Rights Policy

    Group Personnel shall respect the personal dignity, privacy and rights of each individual he/she interacts with during the course of work and shall not in any way cause or contribute to the violation or circumvention of his/her human rights. Group Personnel, if become aware of any situation in breach with Group’s standards, shall notify his/her immediate superior and the MD/CEO/Designate/Compliance Officer.


    Working Conditions Policy

    Group Personnel are committed to creating working conditions which foster fair employment practices and where ethical conduct is recognized and valued. The Group shall not employ or contract child labor or any form of forced or compulsory labor. The Group shall not tolerate any kind of direct or indirect discrimination based on race, color, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, language, religion, employee representation, political or other opinions, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. The Group will maintain zero tolerance principle towards any mental or sexual harassment or discriminatory gestures, language or physical contact that is sexual, coercive, threatening abusive or exploitative.


    Palace Towers 1, Office 202
    Dubai Silicon Oasis. Dubai, UAE
    PO Box 75971
    +971 4 326 28 22
    At OES we believe in delivering services that maintain our clients assets, improves efficiency and protects both people and equipment. OES are committed to the environment and improving the health and safety of the industry. OES hold a strong internal safety record which is testimony to this and an achievement that all at OES are proud to be part of. Find out more about our vision.

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