WhoshouldIsee Tracks

OES Asset Integrity Management sponsored the UK Drops Forum Christmas Lunch held this week at the Marcliffe Hotel in Aberdeen.

DROPS is an industry-wide initiative focused on preventing dropped objects, with the ultimate goal of delivering a second nature dropped objects prevention strategy across the Oil & Gas industry.

The group has over 200 members, including operators, contractors, service companies and industry bodies, all sharing commitment and enthusiasm for the common goal of dropped object prevention.

George Byers, Regional Manager for Europe & Africa, said of the event, “Great to see so many turn out to yet another fantastic event. No better way to wrap up 2017 DROPS event calendar with Festive Turkey lunch and all the trimmings.

OES provide a comprehensive portfolio of Dropped Object services including the Arcus Drops, a tablet based Dropped Object Prevention Program service that won an OTC Spotlight on New Technology award in Houston last year.

For further information on services that OES can provide, please visit www.oesgroup.com