WhoshouldIsee Tracks
OES Oilfield Services Group is attending the Offshore Mediterranean Conference at Pala de Andre in Ravenna, Italy this week which runs from 29th -31st March 2017.
With over 18,000 visitors expected, OMC 2017 will be focussing on new research, ideas, innovations and latest developments impacting exploration and production in the Mediterranean.
Adam Gibson, Strategic Business Director for Europe and Africa, said of the event, “OMC 2017 has addressed the theme of transition, through new research and innovation to resolve the current oil, gas and energy issues being faced in the Mediterranean.
Recent discoveries have put this region firmly on the map for oil and natural gas reserves. Namely the Zohr and Aphrodite fields, some being ‘super giant’ finds of the decade with first production scheduled for 2017.”
For further information on services OES can provide in the Mediterranean, please contact Adam Gibson on adamgibson@oesgroup.com or +44 7825395389, or visit our website www.oesgroup.com
OMC 2017